The Paris Fintech Forum is the must-attend industry event in Europe! Ditto will be there with a full program!
On Tuesday, January 28, 11:45, Stage 5: Panel Open Banking Pioneers
For the first day: a panel dedicated to Open Banking with Alexis Le Portz, Chief Digital Officer BHF; Mung Ki Woo, CEO, Ditto Services; Julien Creuzé, MD, Blackfin Capital Partners; Cyril Armange, Director, Finance Innovation.
Moderated by Fabien Cazes, Director France, Deposit Solutions.
A round table that promises to be enriching on THE key theme of the last few months: collaboration between banks, fintechs and other players in the era of Open Banking.
On Wednesday, January 29th, 12:30 pm Restaurant le Spoon: VIP lunch co-organized with Cegid
For the second day: Ditto & Cegid VIP lunch will be organized at the Palais Brongniart at 12:30 pm. This will be an opportunity to discuss how Fintech is serving VSEs and SMEs, and to review our credit offer specially designed for this type of company.
Mung Ki Woo, CEO of Ditto and Grégory Desmot, Director of Cegid’s SME Business Unit, supported by their teams of innovation and Fintech experts, will be able to answer all your questions on how SMEs and entrepreneurs in general can benefit from the latest banking innovations.
Are you planning to be there? Don’t hesitate to meet us at one of these two key moments!
Ditto Services (France), société par actions simplifiée au capital de 590.000 euros, enregistré au RCS de Nanterre sous le numéro 842 578 320.
Banque Travelex, société anonyme au capital de 72 599 428.08 euros, RCS Nanterre 389585233. Banque Travelex est agréé en tant qu’établissement de crédit par l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution.