Cash management is a daily challenge for small and medium-sized businesses, including those in good health and for whom everyday counts. In this context, Ditto is launching the first 100% digital short-term credit offer, also available as a white label, for these companies, and distributed through prescribers and solution providers for SMEs: marketplaces, fintechs, neobanks, brokers and finance professionals.
At a time when the economy is accelerating and new banking practices are emerging, SMEs also expect more services, flexibility and predictability.
This is why Ditto is committed to:
- An unprecedented time to yes: the company will receive an answer on its eligibility in ten minutes and receive a firm confirmation in 24 hours;
- A receipt of funds within 72 hours;
- Total transparency on the rate with no hidden fees;
- A 100% digital offer and no requirement to open a bank account.
Funding can be up to 150,000 euros, over a period of 3 to 12 months.
Several prescribers and solution providers for SMEs have already chosen to engage with Ditto:
- The portal dedicated to entrepreneurs, published by Cegid, a specialist in management solutions for companies and accountants:
- The French Fintech Qard specialized in financing of e-merchants
- And the French start-up Mansa, to facilitate access to credit for self-employed or freelancers still underserved by traditional banks.
Mung Ki Woo, CEO at Ditto explains:
“We are very proud to announce the launch of this 100% digital short-term credit offer, which meets a real business need. This simple, modular and easily-integrated financing solution is part of the more global open-banking revolution and positions Ditto as a player in Banking-as-a-Service in France”.
Damien Mahinc, from Cegid:
“Entrepreneurs expect a simple, transparent and affordable credit access experience as soon as possible. By offering access to short-term credit through, Cegid and Ditto strengthen the entrepreneur in the control of their financing while giving them productive time to focus on their core business.”
Azzeddine Chaibrassou, CEO and founder of Qard:
“Qard’s mission is to finance the cash flow of e-merchant companies quickly and efficiently by exploiting alternative sector-specific data. With Ditto as a partner, we will be able to expand our financing capabilities while maintaining our value proposition.”
Ali Rami, CEO from Mansa:
“We are delighted to work with a partner like Ditto, putting its banking expertise at the service of the new economy to democratize and digitalize access to credit for freelancers.”
Ditto Services (France), société par actions simplifiée au capital de 590.000 euros, enregistré au RCS de Nanterre sous le numéro 842 578 320.
Banque Travelex, société anonyme au capital de 72 599 428.08 euros, RCS Nanterre 389585233. Banque Travelex est agréé en tant qu’établissement de crédit par l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution.